Irdning Liezen

Irdning Liezen

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Віртуальний автомобіль-фініш

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Bei der Kneippanlage neben dem Fußballplatz.

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What is the Wings for Life World Run?

The Wings for Life World Run is a truly unique and global race for both runners and wheelchair participants. Instead of a finish line, competitors race side by side to keep ahead of the Virtual Catcher Car. Now in its eleventh year, on 4 травня 2025 Wings for Life World Run participants in Austria can also run together in Irdning. Meet up with your friends, download the Wings for Life World Run App and join all the other people running until the Virtual Catcher Car catches you of course. The race starts at exactly 13:00:00. The Virtual Catcher Car takes off 30 minutes after the start at 14 km/h and steadily increases its speed until the last athletes have been caught. 100% of all donations and the entry fees go directly into spinal cord research projects.


The run starts at the Kneipp station in Dörfl. The route then leads along the soccer field to Geierweg and from there on to the left in the direction of the river Enns. At the intersection with the asphalt road, the route continues to the right in the direction of Schwarzer Weg and from there it circles back along the river Enns in the direction of Trautenfels. The last part of the route runs along the accompanying road parallel to the federal highway back to Dörfl. One lap of the route is 5.5km

Wheelchair participants

Unfortunately this track has sections which will be difficult for wheelchair users. Please check out other App Run Events close to you or start as an individual participant wherever you want.

Refreshment station and local set up

Yes, this track has a refreshment station! You will find the following on site: Water, Cola, isotonic drinks, bananas

Timing and race number

You will receive your personal race number via email and it’s also available next to your starting number on the website a couple of days before the race. The Wings for Life World Run App is your time tracking tool. The Virtual Catcher Car takes off 30 minutes after the start and as soon as it overtakes you, you will get clear signals via the App. Please make sure to have a fully charged phone on race day.

Your contribution to help find a cure

In order to join this App Run Event, please download the Wings for Life World Run App for Android or iPhone and sign up for race day in the App. To be part of the Wings for Life World Run on 4 травня 2025 a registration fee will be charged; 100% of your fee go to spinal cord research. After you completed your registration for race day, you can join this App Run Event.

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Моя ціль 15 km
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до того, як автомобіль-фініш наздожене тебе. Тобі треба бігти з темпом принаймні
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