How to experience the Wings for Life World Run live

No matter where you are on May 7th 2023, you can watch the 10th Wings for Life World Run live – online and on TV. Even in different languages. Here we provide all the information needed to experience the sport event of the year, when the whole world runs for those who can’t.
Have you signed up already? Will you be on the start line, or will you use the App? Or maybe you have already finished your run and would like to check up on other participants that are still running. But even if you cannot participate then you can still experience the Wings for Life World Run live – and we have the right programme for you for sure.
There are two options – the Wings for Life World Run 2023 Live, where you can watch as every runner in this global and simultaneous race gets caught by the Catcher Car until the last one wins. Or – you can watch Run around the World 2023, where you see and hear people and their stories from the Wings for Life World Run and feel the spirit of the event as it is revealed by our hosts in the studio.
You might be wondering – cool, but where can I watch it?
The main experience will happen on There you can swap between both programmes as you like – additionally you can have a sneak peek on how your friends are doing, if they are running. You can type in their names and see exactly how far away they are from the Catcher Car or if they are already caught and on their way to have a well-deserved rest and shower.
- But if you prefer Red Bull TV, DAZN, a local TV station, Facebook, TikTok or YouTube – try the Red Bull channel or the Wings for Life World Run channel and you can watch it there.
- On Instagram we will have some behind the scenes live from the studio or the Global race Control, where all the timekeeping is happening.
- Are you a twitter reader? Then you will surely find our posts interesting, funny, and entertaining – the whole day long.
On, Red Bull TV and DAZN you will also have the Wings for Life World Run sportive broadcast not only available in English, but also in German, Polish and Spanish – in case you prefer one of those languages.
And please be active. Share your thoughts, pictures, comments on all our social channels. It is the biggest running event world-wide and it's for a good cause – you should be part of it!